How do low levels of indoor ozone make indoor air quality healthier.
Going outdoors and breathing clean fresh air has always been beneficial. Oxygen molecules usually consist of two oxygen atoms, and they’re stable. But when UV light shines on these oxygen molecules, it can split them apart. This UV light is like a super energetic kick that breaks the oxygen molecules into two separate oxygen atoms.
Now we have these single oxygen atoms flying around, and they’re kind of lonely on their own. So, they quickly try to find another oxygen molecule to team up with. So, when O2 and O join up, they form a molecule with three oxygen atoms in total. That’s what we call ozone!
Ozone has a very short life span, but it can do some amazing things. It quickly attaches to other molecules in the air and on surfaces. This attachment causes two things it gives the particle extra weight and can also initiate a chemical reaction changing or destroying the other molecule or particle.
Three ways Ozone affects the indoor air you breath:
- Air Purification: Ozone is a very potent oxidizer, meaning it can chemically react with and break down various organic and inorganic substances. When introduced into indoor spaces, it can effectively neutralize bacteria, viruses, mold and other microorganisms by damaging their cell walls and destroying them in the air or on surfaces. This air purification mechanism acts as a natural disinfectant, reducing the risk of airborne infections and creating a healthier living environment.
- Odor Elimination: Unpleasant odors in indoor spaces often result from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by materials like paints, cleaning products, cooking even mold. Ozone works by attaching to and oxidizing these VOCs. Altering their molecular structure by giving up that extra oxygen molecule, changing their odor-causing properties. It even penetrates soft surfaces such as carpets, furniture, area rugs, animal bedding, cat litter boxes, working its magic by eliminating odors found in these items.
- Particle Agglomeration: Airborne particles such as dust, pollen, and pet dander can contribute to respiratory discomfort and allergies. Ozone can induce particle agglomeration, causing these small particles to cluster together into larger heavier particles. Because of their heavier weight these larger particles fall out of the air you are breathing.
The cool thing is that once these particles are no longer airborne, they become much easier to get rid of. You can vacuum them up or wipe them away during your regular cleaning routine. Leading to a reduction in indoor allergens and improving the overall air quality. (If you do not breathe it, it cannot impact you.)
Important note: There are 2 ways ozone can be used effectively indoors. One way is safe for people and animals to be present just like outdoors and the other you should not be present.
The first way is to use a scalable air purifier such as the My Triad Aer V3 that allows you to safely change and control low levels of ozone to give you the best indoor air quality possible. You can also choose to not use ozone. If you do choose that option, do not worry. There are still 3 other technologies that are protecting you.
The second is to use an ozone generator. This is where so many people are misinformed about the health impacts of using ozone indoors. Because ozone is such an effective cleanser it can be used at high levels to quickly overwhelm and shock the indoor space back into balance. These machines always use a very high level of ozone to accomplish their mission.
In closing, OZONE GENERATORS cannot be scaled down to safe levels, but Triad Aer machines CAN! Remember the old saying “too much of a good thing”. That is why you should not be in the indoor space when ozone generators are used. The V3 is NOT one of those machines – ALWAYS safe indoors.
If you don’t breathe in unhealthy particles, germs, viruses and VOCs (gasses), they cannot hurt you!
For a REAL DEEP DIVE into the science, if you want to learn more about Ozone, these professionals do an EXTREMELY good job of completely covering the subject in their webinar:
Here are some helpful documents on ozone and how it deals with Covid-19
The Good Thing About Ozone – learn why ozone is a GOOD thing for your health. Despite what nay-sayers and skeptics say about ozone, they simply CANNOT deny it’s existence and importance to our lives here on earth.
We asked former director for the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Dr. Paul Meechan for his thoughts on ozone as a virucide, especially in regard to SARS-CoV-2. He responded, “Will ozone work- you betcha! Ozone is very effective at inactivating viruses, especially enveloped viruses like the SARS-CoV-2. Within seconds, ozone solubilizes the lipid membrane of the virus. Ozone is great, a long as it’s handled safely”. [ READ PDF ON OZONE HERE ]
The key is to always consider the balance of ozone to all other components that are necessary to life and health.
Ozone is active oxygen (O3). It occurs naturally in the earth’s atmosphere to protect us from the sun’s harmful rays.
Ozone is commonly used in the purification of drinking water, wastewater, air, and pools and spas.
Since the late 1800’s
Ozone has been used to kill mold, mildew, germs, viruses, bacteria and remove odors from the air for over 500 years!
The amount of ozone produced by an ozone generator is insignificant to the normal atmosphere we live in. Excess ozone quickly converts back to oxygen. Note: Do not breathe concentrated ozone.
No! Smog is air pollution created by combustion polluters. While smog contains small amounts of ozone, it is largely composed of harmful chemicals, such as carbon monoxide. In fact, smog and other pollutants may contribute to the damage of the ozone laye
No. The amount of ozone to effectively treat homes, cars, etc. is small enough that any molecules breaking free into the air are insignificant.
Humans and pets should not breathe concentrated ozone. The Triad Aer machines are completely controllable, allowing one to control/turn off the ozone and to operate well within FDA guidelines.
Yes. Depending on the concentration, the odor ranges from slightly sweet to moderately antiseptic.
Yes. It is one of the most effective, complete bactericides of all earth’s measurable elements.
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Yes. Ozone kills virtually all known forms of viruses in water and the air.
Ozone can be produced in a number of ways; however, the most effective method is via “very ultraviolet light generation.”
A special lamp gives off a specific wavelength of ultraviolet light, which converts oxygen (O2) molecules into active oxygen, ozone (O3) molecules. This all occurs instantly inside the ozone chamber of the ozone generator. It’s also known as a photochemical process.
Yes. Ozone generators are one of the most effective, yet least costly, methods by far of killing mold and mildew.
You can view how Triad Aer kills mold by viewing this video from one of our independent testing professionals:
Ozone kills odors from sources such as cigarette smoke, smoke damage from fire, paint fumes, cooking, cleaning, decaying matter, pets, urine, pesticides, and many more.
Ozone reacts with an impurity, the impurity is oxidized and ozone is consumed. Only oxygen is left. The impurity must be reintroduced for the odor, mold, bacteria, etc. to return.